The Dancer Mama Podcast

Jenna Ellissa is a pole dancer, instructor, competitor and stripper turned first time mama, and she is ready to share all the highs, lows, challenges, and joys that accompany the identity shift that is pregnancy and motherhood. She will be talking candidly and in real time about her personal motherhood journey, as well diving into her special interests in natural health and nutrition, pole dancing and fitness, and other lifestyle topics. Stay tuned for exciting guest episodes, featuring other dancer mamas sharing their stories and perspectives around the life changing undertaking that is motherhood. Whether you are a dancer, sex worker, mama, mama-to-be, no-yet-sure if you want to be a mama, or you are happily childless and are just interested in the perspective, you are sure to find some solidarity, humor, perspective and insight from the show! Connect on IG! @thedancermamapodcast Cover art: @craftymama.yyc Music by AlexGrohl from Pixabay

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Tuesday Jun 06, 2023

This week’s guest has been one of Jenna’s top pole mama inspirations for years, and has been on her dream guest list since day one of the podcast- Felicity Logan, aka Felicitybambidoll on Instagram! Felicity is an OG pole icon who needs little introduction: she is renowned for her extreme back flexibility, her signature pole tricks and shapes, and her one of a kind sensual performance style. Felicity is truly an open book on her Instagram, sharing vulnerably and openly about her pole and flexibility journey, her career as an exotic dancer, her motherhood journey, and how she has overcome struggles with mindset, self doubt, and more. 
In this episode, Felicity shares more about her career as an international exotic dancer, her pregnancy and transition into motherhood, her breastfeeding journey, and balancing mom life and entrepreneurship. She shares valuable insights for pole, motherhood, and life in general, such as focusing on the process and not the result. Listen to the end for an invaluable tip about traveling abroad with young children- the tip is not what you might expect!
Connect with Felicity at
And train with her online at 
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Tuesday May 30, 2023

In this long awaited, highly anticipated (for Jenna at least!) solo episode, Jenna is recapping her return to work in the strip club! This is truly a postpartum milestone, considering there were many points in both pregnancy and postpartum when Jenna doubted she would ever return to the club. In this episode, Jenna discusses how she and her husband handled the logistics of childcare, sleep, handling extreme fatigue, and more. She shares some of her worries heading into her first weeks back, as well as the very specific postpartum body insecurities she is working around. Finally, Jenna basks in the joys of being back on stage, the knowledge that she can still do this job WHILE doing the ultimate full time job of being a mama, and takes a moment to acknowledge how far she and Felix have come in recent weeks. 
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Tuesday May 23, 2023

This week Jenna is thrilled to share her conversation with pole and aerial focused chiropractor, Dr. Emily Rausch! Dr. Emily is known on Instagram for sharing her wealth of knowledge regarding injury prevention and rehab in her signature tough love, no nonsense way. She chats with Jenna about her journey to obtaining her Doctor of Chiropractic, how her pole journey intertwined with her education, and the need she saw for a physiological, scientific approach to pole training and injury prevention. She and Jenna talk about the pros and cons of social media when it comes to people’s relationship to their training, why the way hobbyist pole dancers approach their sport that might make them more injury prone, the importance of cross training and more. 
Dr. Emily is very knowledgeable and is a straight shooter, but she is incredibly kind and approachable as well! This conversation is a must listen for anyone involved in the pole and aerial world, especially instructors and studio owners.
Connect with Emily and check out her digital offerings at 
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Tuesday May 09, 2023

This week Jenna is chatting with Kat Bailey, an accomplished pole competitor and entrepreneur from the UK, who at the time of recording is about to welcome her third child! Kat shares the ups and downs of her pole journey which spans over a decade, from battling the stigma and public pushback she experienced when first starting pole, to weathering the storm of the pandemic as a studio owner, to pole dancing in Kenya to raise money for charity. She also shares her experience pole dancing throughout all three of her pregnancies, her journey to motherhood through fertility treatment, her struggles with pre and post natal depression and more! Kat’s journey is inspiring, and her tenacity, commitment to pole, and love of trying new things truly shine through in this conversation!
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Tuesday May 02, 2023

This week Jenna provides a brief update on how life has been with a now 8 month old bubba, including some sleep challenges, teething, and the joys of watching him grow! Then, inspired by Alex Artsy’s birth story from episode 39, Jenna explores how her thoughts about birth have changed, in light of her own birth experience and hearing the stories of others. Drawing from her own experience as well as the work of Elinor Cleghorn in her history of women and medicine, Unwell Women, Jenna explores how having the option of effective pain relief in labor was and still is a feminist issue, central to women’s ongoing struggle to assert their bodily autonomy and informed consent in interaction with the medical sphere. 
If you are interested in Elinor Cleghorn’s book, Unwell Women, Jenna cannot recommend it enough. A link is provided for your convenience: 
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Tuesday Apr 25, 2023

This week Jenna is bridging time zones once again to bring you this incredible conversation with Alex Artsy! Alex is a German pole dancer, competitor, graphic designer and recent first mama. She chats with Jenna about her pole journey, what the pole scene is like in Germany, and her experience living and training pole in Australia for a year! They talk about competing and the difference between competing solo and as part of a doubles pair. Alex talks us through her pregnancy, and also shares her birth story in its entirety, sparking reflection on the unpredictable nature of birth and the challenges it presents to mamas to be. 
(Content warning: Alex’s birth story contains talk of being induced, epidurals, hemorrhaging, and birth trauma. Her birth story begins at 26:20, and if you would like to skip the birth story to avoid any potential triggers, you can skip ahead to 43:00).  
You can connect with Alex at: 
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Tuesday Apr 18, 2023

This week's solo episode is a flashback, recorded back in August while Jenna was still pregnant and indulging all the pregnancy cravings! Jenna talks through her approach to nutrition, her food aversions and her cravings trimester by trimester, touching on preconception nutrition, the importance of going with the flow, and the socio-cultural component of pregnancy cravings. What is the reason behind a pregnant woman craving things she hasn't eaten in years? (In Jenna's case, Frappuccinos, muffins, and pepperoni pizza!) 
This is a fun episode, relevant to anyone who is, has been, or plans to be pregnant, or anyone who loves to talk food!
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Tuesday Apr 11, 2023

This week Jenna is chatting with gogo dancer, preschool teacher, and proud mama, Juicy Lucy! Lucy chats with Jenna about her gogo dancing career, her motherhood journey, her early and how she finds the energy to balance it all! She shares her guiding principles in life, her beliefs about energy and the laws of attraction, and more. Lucy’s energy and joy in all she does is absolutely infectious- listening to this episode is like sitting in the sunshine drinking a coffee!
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Tuesday Apr 04, 2023

In this week's solo episode Jenna reflects on her body, brain, and life at 7 months postpartum. It is a cliché that time goes by even faster when you're a parent but Jenna is certainly finding this to be true- the weeks and months just keep slipping by! That said, every week can make a significant difference when it comes to regaining strength on the pole, healing from pregnancy and birth, and adjusting to life with a little one. Tune in for a pelvic floor update and to hear how things are going on the pole!
Then Jenna shares a bit about the recent boudoir shoot she did to celebrate her postpartum body, as well as her top tips for pole and boudoir photoshoots. 
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Tuesday Mar 28, 2023

This week Jenna is chatting with Canadian pole icon Rosalyn Mow! Rosalyn is a born and raised Vancouverite, Canadian Pole Fitness Champion, notary public, and mama to one little girl! Jenna and Rosalyn talk about her dance and gymnastic background, her incredibly successful competitive career, and some of the stand out public pole performances she has given. Rosalyn shares how she balances mom life with her career as a notary public, as well as her experience returning to pole and flexibility training postpartum. Rosalyn’s story of her return to pole postpartum reaffirms what so many pole mamas have shared on this podcast: you will get back to pole, but it will be on your body’s time, not your brain’s!
Connect with Rosalyn on Instagram at:
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